Most common form is testosterone cypionate followed by enanthate – esterified testosterone

● Both have a  half life of 10 to 14 days – molecular weight of ester determines rate of absorption

● Cypionate is less expensive than enanthate

● Testosterone propionate has a short half life – 2 to 3 days, too short for use

● Intramuscular injections produce reliable blood levels and can be titrated easily – ester group hydrolyzed when absorbed into bloodstream. Half life of free testosterone 10 to 100 minutes.

● Peaks and valleys in blood levels will be seen – if too severe, a bi-weekly dosing regime can be used.  Typical starting dose in most male is 100 mgs (0.5 cc’s) per week. If dosing above 100 mgs/wk, then split dose and inject bi-weekly.

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