Facial & Hair
Rejuvenation Therapy and PRP Microneedling
Improve skin tone & texture, restore shape & skin volume, as well as rejuvenate facial tissue without surgery!
Microneedling helps your skin become firmer and regain its elasticity. Fine lines and wrinkles are visibly reduced, pores become finer, circulation is stimulated, and the overall condition of your skin improves. Microneedling combined with PRP technology helps boost collagen.
How does it work?
A small amount of blood is drawn for you and placed in a sterile tube that is processed to isolate healing particles. The remaining blood, which contains a higher than normal number of elements, is injected into different areas of your skin. The injections are small, and the procedure takes only about 15 minutes.
The effects are similar to a face lift in that it tightens the skin to a youthful look. Plus, it improves overall tone and texture of your skin, virtually eliminating the possibility of negative side effects.

Discover younger, smoother skin, naturally
How does this process rejuvenate skin?
We are able to isolate the parts of your blood that help to heal and grow new tissue. This is injected specific areas of the skin, acting as a matrix that promotes your own collagen to grow, heals damaged tissue, and thus acts as to naturally smooth and tighten the skin. In this way, our process softens wrinkles, as well as creating smoother skin texture and tone.
How does this process restore hair?
The same blood particles that heal and grow tissue work to stimulate hair growth where you are balding. It also thickens your existing hair. Many people know elements of your own blood can help your body recover from injuries. Harnessing that power, we can promote hair growth when follicles are present. These quick and affordable injections take just a few minutes, and can even be done over your lunch break!
Individuals with extreme hair loss or non-existent follicles are generally not candidates for this hair treatment.
What can I expect during and after these procedures?
A small amount of blood is drawn from you and placed in a sterile tube that is centrifuged to separate the serum from the white and red blood cells. After micro-needling of the face or neck, serum is applied to improve blood flow by increasing epidermal growth factors into the skin for rejuvenation. The procedure takes only about 15 minutes after local anesthetic is applied.
For the scalp and ED, injections are small, and used to increase new blood vessel growth and growth factors. This improves hair growth and fullness and penile girth. Mild swelling, redness, or bruising fade within 1-3 days.
A natural alternative- Other injections are used to relax the muscles and temporarily reduce the appearance of wrinkles. We utilize the parts of your own blood that heal, so there is nothing foreign injected into the body.
Long-lasting- Most other treatments must be injected every 3-6 months to maintain results, whereas a few of our treatments can last up to two years before repeat treatment is needed.
Multi-purpose procedure- With one procedure, we can enhance the skin’s appearance, treat hair loss, and repair torn tendons, treating sports injuries as well.
Minimal side effects- Considering our treatments are all-natural, they provide natural effects without any bruising or risky side effects that can be associated with other injections or fillers.
For more information on this procedure, or to schedule your first session, please contact Quantum Health & Wellness to get started and be on your way to healthy, radiant skin.

Pricing per Treatment
Full Face – $700 (1 treatment) $1800 (3 treatments)
Neck – $500 (1 treatment) $1200 (3 treatments)
Hair – $600 (1 treatment) $1500 (3 treatments)
In the first three months, 3 injections are needed for the best results. After the initial treatments, injections should be administered every 6 months.