Weight gain, Headaches, Difficulty sleeping, Mood swings, feeling tired, Brain fog, Hair loss, Joint pain, Irregular periods, Cold hands and feet. This could be associated with your thyroid not working properly.

If you wake up with a temperature of 97.8 or less in the morning, you have a thyroid problem, no matter what the labs state. TSH optimum range  should be 1-1.5. Your TSH is elevated if above 2 even though the reference range states 4-4.5. It is not just about TSH. Free T4 optimum range is 1-1.5, Free T3 optimum range +3.8, Reverse T3 -12, FT4 converts to FT3.  Reverse T3 measures secondary hypothyroidism which shows decreased conversion from T4 to T3 in the body.


Since 40% of people are non-converters, you need a thyroid medicine that has both T3&T4 together for proper thyroid care.

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